Speaking at LA IANDS April 26th 2014

I will be speaking about my transcendent experience and other cool weird spiritual experiences. I have journeyed through the many levels of heaven and what is called hell.I have traveled in time and helped some spirits find their way home.
I am excited to announce my book, Loved: A Transcendent Journey is published and I will have a limited number of copies on hand. Please come hear my story! LA IANDS requests a donation of $10 per person to cover the cost of the room, but no one will be turned away.
Grace Lutheran Church Directions: From the 10 Fwy, exit at the Overland offramp and go South to Culver City. From the 405 Fwy., exit at Culver Blvd and take Culver blvd. East to Overland Ave., where you turn South. Grace Lutheran Church is at 4427 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230, 4 blocks South of Culver Blvd. Turn West from Overland Ave. on Franklin Ave. and park on the street. The room is on Overland Ave. through the Sunday School entrance. Go down the stairs and Room 8, where we will meet, is at the East end of the hallway. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Denis Purcell as seating is very limited Laiands@aol.com
Happy Birthday to Denis Purcell April 29th!

Denis has been the leader of the Los Angeles group of the International Association for Near-Death Studies since 2003,and became the President in 2006. In 2008, he became a founding director of ACISTE and served for 3 years on its board.
At the age of 19 in 1965, Denis had a veridical out-of-body experience where he communicated with spiritual beings and experienced himself as a sphere of consciousness.You can listen to an account of his experience here / watch this video / or read about it here. As a result of his experience, he feels that we are spiritual beings enjoying a brief physical experience and that we predate our own birth and will live after death into eternity, he has tried to convey that truth to people with a skeptical background.
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
4427 Overland Ave
Culver Ciity, CA 90230