7 Steps for Enlightenment
This book is about – the steps that everyone may take in any order, to pave their way to their own enlightenment experience - their own direct experience of the Divine. It is my deepest desire that all who seek, be able to experience the amazing, awesome, love of the Divine like I did.
This is a very short book I recommend the $0.99 e book rather than the print version since it is so short but be assured that short on words is not short on value. I happen to be very succinct in the way I put things. I want to get to the core of really works to help you mold the spiritual life you want and leverage what you already know into quick and powerful results.

Loved: A Transcendent Journey
Loved: A Transcendent Journey moves you through the multidimensional landscape of the cosmos and beyond. Deep burning questions are asked and answered. Does God exist? Is there a Heaven or Hell? Why do we suffer? Is time travel possible? Can we change our destiny? What is the nature of the universe?