The Teacher Comforts
In meditation this week I heard a loving comforting male voice. I had been feeling depleted when I sat down to meditate. As I got into it...

Two Amazing Miracles
Just this week I was blessed to see 2 amazing miracles come into reality. Prophecy realized. In a previous dream I saw an asteroid, and...

From the Big Bang To OBE's and Beyond
In May I enjoyed seeing my old friend Dr. Albert Taylor speak at the The Life After Life Club. He is RETIRED NASA ENGINEER & Out-of-Body...

What a month April was!
Started of with an invite to Craig Duswalt's Rockstar Marketing Conference which was the perfect timing to receive from my great friend...

Speaking at LA IANDS April 26th 2014
I will be speaking about my transcendent experience and other cool weird spiritual experiences. I have journeyed through the many levels...

Loved - A Transcendent Journey is now available!
Help me reach more hearts! Hey My Friend, I need your help reaching as many hearts as possible. As a self published author, the best way...