From time to time I get out and about in the world to speak and share about my expereinces and other topics.
Below are links to interviews and descriptions of some events in the past.
CrsRadio - First Interview with Rudi Rudenski
In this first interview with Rudi Rudenski. Rudi is an Near Death Expereincer and has been doing his NDE radio show for about 4 years. Mary was able to go deep into her expereince. This was also her first solo interview. On a side note our beloved Dottie Clark the radio shows producer had been just taken to the hospital for pneumonia and it was because of this that Mary then became the producer of the show for the rest of the run. Dottie did recover to better than her previous health and is doing well.
CRS Radio Second Interview with Rudi Rudenski
In this second interview Rudi and Mary have been working together for a couple of months and they were able to get into some of the more esoteric aspects of her expereince and of expereinces in general.
Doctors Radio - Interview with Keith Anthony
Stephen Damroth and Mary Deioma are interviewed together. There is an interesting back story here. Steve and Mary met at an IANDS meeting and discovered that they both had an expereince of the void that included a being that appeared as a geodesic orb of light/love. A spiritual friendship began and continues. When Steve needed a place to stay, Mary offered her couch as a temporary place to crash for her spirit brother. This interview happened during that time. Steven Damroth was stabbed in the chest by his skitophrenic brother. Steve also appeared on an episode of "I Survived" on A & E television. Mary comes into the interview at about the 0:79.
Radio Interview with Towanda Allen
Towanda was in the audience when Mary spoke in Mesa Arizona the same talk that Larry Merrill reported that the talk was so powerful he felt the wall were vibrating with energy. Towanda is also the author of her own book and started her radio show to usher forth the "Energy that is changing the world"
We Don't Die Radio with Sandra Champlain
Sandra is the Author of We Don't Die: A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death. Mary and Sandra had met at a conference in LA. Sandra was one of the fisrt people ever to puchase Mary's book Loved: A Transcendent Journey.
My Talk at Santa Barbara IANDS
Barbara Bartolome (IANDS Santa Barbara Leader) was a guest on CRS Radio and then we worked together to staff the volunteer healers at the IANDS 2014 National Conference I mentioned I would love to come up and share in Santa Barbara expecially since I used to live there when I was going to Brooks Institure of Photography. She Graciously said yes and this expereince of speaking in Santa Barbara was one of the most intense so far. I palpably felt the presence of God in the room as I was speaking. I hope it comes through in the audio. It was such a priveledge to speak here.
My 2nd Talk at San Diego IANDS
Beverly Brodsky the leader of the San Diego IANDS is a NDE'er and her story was one of the first I ever heard had an enourmous influence on me and heling me to achieve my own transcendent expereince. It is always a privelge to be in her presence. Click the link in here to be redirected to the talk.